Tucson hair salon

Making beauty personal

Helping you find beautiful!

Tucson hair salon

Welcome to our page, we are independent business stylist here to provide the best hair care & attention. We are specialist in giving healthy natural color techniques. Get you to the right blonde tone that suits your skin tone. Give you richness in dark natural brunette tones. Work with your natural color for dimension and low maintenance. But nevertheless here to plan out to achieve that pop of color you’ve dreamed of. We cant wait to have you in the salon! 


Hair stylists in tucson

I am proud to be the owner and a hairstylist at Favorite Chair Salon. I have worked in the industry for over 8 years. I love what I do because I get to make people feel beautiful and wear an accessory part of me every day. I meet so many people with different stories and have a connection with every single one of them. 


best hair salon un tucson

Favorite Chair Salon is a hair salon in Tucson made to build a team of talented dreamers and goal diggers. At Favorite Chair Salon everyone can express themselves and have high dreams of growing and making their own empire.

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Our services

Cut & Color